Egg Heads 01, 5" x 5"

Two Musketeers, 5" x 6"

Two Red Hoods, 5" x 6"
Badlands National Park , 9"x 12"
Badlands National Park, 9"x 12"
Badlands National Park, 9"x 12"
Jackson Lake, Grand Tetons, 9"x 12"
Arches National Park, 9"x 12"
The Needles, Canyonlands, 9"x 12"
Bryce Canyon National Park, 9"x 12"
Bryce Canyon National Park, 9"x 12"
Zion National Park, 9"x 12"
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Utah, 9"x 12"
Grand Canyon National Park, 9"x 12"
Grand Canyon (Through the Trees), 9"x 12"
Grand Canyon National Park (storm), 9"x 12"
Grand Canyon National Park, 9"x 12"
Great Sand Dunes National Park, 9"x 12"
Great Sand Dunes National Park, 9"x 12"
Mile Creek Beach, Connecticut, 9"x 12"
Many Faces, 9"x 12"
Where are my hands?, 7"x 4.5"
Another Butte, 11"x 15"
View from Santa Monica, 11"x 15"
Santa Cruz Lighthouse, 11"x 15"
Tilden State Park, Berkeley, 11"x 15"
Duck River Cemetery, 9"x 12"
Winter in Philly, 9"x 12"
Sandias Midday, 5" x 7"
Rio Grande Dusk, 5"x 7"
Rooster, 7" x 5"
Onions, 7" x 5"
Sandias Sunset, 7"x 5"
Home in Corrales, 7" x 5"
Silver Leaf Tomatoes, 7" x 5"
Floating down the Rio Grande, 7" x 5"
Sandias Peak, 7" x 5"

Houses in Grey, 11" x 8"

Houses at Sunset, 11" x 8"

Houses in Blue, 11" x 8"

Houses in Color, 11" x 8"

Houses in Pink, 11" x 8"

Five Guys, 6" x 5"

Tight Fisted, 6" x 5"

Empties, 6" x 5"

The Happy Couple, 6" x 5"

Haloed, 6" x 5"

Red Riders, 6" x 5"

Pink Clouds, 5" x 5"

Shoe Envy, 5" x 7"

Bespectacled, 6" x 5"

Flushed, 6" x 5"

Tight Fisted, 6" x 5"

All Smiles, 6" x 5"

Green Hats, 6" x 5"

Impotence, 6" x 5"

Pink Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Medusas, 6" x 5"

Baby Fists, 6" x 5"

Four Egg Heads, 6" x 5"

Hot Heads, 6" x 5"

Blue Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Eggs Heads with Pearl Necklaces, 6" x 5"

MPB, 6" x 5"

Blue Ramen Hair, 6" x 5"

Beige Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Green Egg Heads, 6" x 5"

Thrupple in Stripes, 6" x 5"

Thrupple with Red Bellies, 6" x 5"

Deco Couple, 6" x 5"

The Short Friend, 6" x 5"

Pink Couple, 6" x 5"

Red Ramen Bodies, 6" x 5"

Ramen People, 6" x 5"

Thrupple in the Shower, 6" x 5"

Thrupple of Doods, 6" x 5"

Green Ramen Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Four Egg Heads, 6" x 5"

Blue Flames, 6" x 5"

Citrus Chorus, 6" x 5"

Yellow Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Up-Do Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Blob Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Ramen Heads, 6" x 5"

It's Raining Blue Men, 6" x 5"

Squirt Heads, 6" x 5"

Red Heads, 6" x 5"

Caped Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Aqua Egg Heads, 6" x 5"

Four Blue Eggheads, 6" x 5"

Onion Head Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Green Ramen Bodies, 6" x 5"

Courgette Bodies, 6" x 5"

Smile Brite, 6" x 5"

Two Egg Heads, 5" x 5"

Umbilicaled Thrupple, 5" x 5"

Green Egg Thrupple, 6" x 5"

GreenNoodleMen, 6" x 5"

Punks, 6" x 5"

Blue Egg Men, 6" x 5"

Single Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Big Buttons, 6" x 5"

Whistling Ramen Friends, 6" x 5"

Triangle Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Elven Thrupple, 5" x 5"

Flushed Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Black Buttons, 6" x 5"

Red Red Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Night Caps, 6" x 5"

Blue Medusas, 6" x 5"

Pink Medusas, 6" x 5"

Our House, 6" x 5"

Double Egg Stare, 5" x 5"

Pink Ghosts, 6" x 5"

Knock-Kneed Thrupple, 4" x 6"

Blue Love, 6" x 5"

Alone, 4" x 6"

Big Haloes, 6" x 5"

Blob Friends, 6" x 5"

Thrupple of Jesters, 6" x 5"

Blue Ramen Friends, 6" x 5"

Ramen and Eggs, 6" x 5"

Wide-Eyed Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Narrow-Hipped Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Green Ramen Friends, 6" x 5"

Orange Ramen Thrupple, 6" x 5"

Pearl Onion Friends, 6" x 5"

Green Eggs and Ramen, 5" x 5"

Deco Triangle, 6" x 5"

Growing Apart, 6" x 5"

The Winning Smile, 6" x 5"

Big Blue Hair, 6" x 5"

Trying to Fit, 6" x 5"

Smug Thrupple, 6" x 5"